House Clearings and blessings
clear negative energy and remove unwanted spirit activity
Why smudging is so important for health and spiritual reasons
and science agrees!
The reason smudging has been used by cultures for thousands of years is today backed by science in many replicated results which you can scroll to below - however for many visiting this site I would suggest your wishing to smudge your home for entirely different reasons. Human emotional energy can cling to objects and locations, and be picked up by anyone on an unconscious level. This negativity can be damaging to your energy field. The need for clearings and blessings may rise from energy from previous occupants, arguments, illness, depression, stress, anger, fear etc. This negativity can cling to you or build up in your home or business causing problems over time. Spiritual and Energy cleansing and protection can help change unwanted energy and remove unwanted spirit activity.
I specialise in remove unwanted spirit energy that may belong to the house or land or connected themselves to a person. Having a spirit attachment to your person is more common than believed. It sounds utterly creepy and disturbing however it can all be removed and not in any manner you may have seen on the movie The Exorcist. This kind of attachment seen in the movies is so rare that it should be far removed from your first thought of concern and see spiritual attachment more like pest removal in a home. Mice are drawn to a home for its creature comforts and need only a few select tools to remove them from their unwanted dwelling.
Reiki or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is used as a complementary therapy to remove attachments and has been proven to give excellent results. As a Reiki practitioner I am experienced at healing occupants who may have been effected by long term effects of negative energy or entities. Children are highly sensitive to unwanted spirit activity in the home and is the cause for many chronic nightmares or unexplained behaviour. The problem trying to diagnose this being the root of cause is that children or toddlers have no point of reference to explain what they may be experiencing in their home and while a parent may be oblivious to the activity surrounding them, children will be absorbing and experiencing it all.
The world we share- both seen and unseen is filled with energy. As much as we may not like it the spiritual plane is layered where we reside and sometimes there is a bleed through into our space affecting us; however both people and Spirits or entities need help for different reasons. It is vitally important to make sure that as humans, our energy is protected as health can be impacted by unknowingly sharing your environment or energy field with uninvited spirits or entities. Clearing these enegues from our environment is also a benefit as Spirits or entities should be guided to a more suitable place than here in our density. Its important to know that they are not all negative and many are confused or just need help and guidance into the light.
Free your space from heavy energy, negative thought patterns, bad moods, feeling irritable or fearful. Clearing your space will increase your sense of wellbeing and mental focus, Improved sleep, and make your space feel light and calm.
My method
All clearings and blessings are performed with the intention of love and respect. I do not antagonise the spirit/entity but instead use mediumship to communicate with the energy to resolve the root cause of them choosing to reside in your space.
I work only from a place of light and love which gives the greatest results in clearing energy no matter what the source if its origin. I do not perform a seance to communicate with the entities in your dwelling (and highly suggest you do not ever use a service that uses this practice as you will only invite more spirits or entities into your home). I communicate with what is currently there through mediumship abilities and methods that will guide or transmute the energy away.
The real science behind smudging
Negative ions have a profound effect on the physiology of every human being. Ions are atoms or molecules with a net electric charge due to the loss or gain of one or more electrons. Negative ions are produced in natural outdoor settings with abundant fresh air such as a the beach, parks, any great outdoors; while positive ions are produced in more contemporary places such as in the house. Electronics, in particular, give off lots of positive ions, as you can imagine an office space is drowning in these positive ions.
Releasing the smoke from smudging produces negative ions into the space scientifically reported to boost serotonin levels, reduce stress, bad moods and reduce positive ions linked to feeling...well negative. Its confusing I know and leads to the argument we should stop calling energy positive or negative - because we have it the wrong way round!
Studies showing the benefits of smudging on bacteria and antimicrobial effects in the home benefit the space for up to 30 days.
In 2006, a scientific paper titled Medicinal Smokes was published. The research reviewed information from 50 countries over 5 continents and found that, dating back to ancient times, smoke administered medicinally is typically used to aid lung, brain and skin function. In addition, it was found that the passive fumes doubled as an air purifier. A follow-up paper examining the air purifying potentials of smoke-based remedies was published in 2007, in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. It concluded that, in addition to health benefits, smudging was a powerful antiseptic.
“The most frequent medical indications for medicinal smoke are pulmonary (23.5%), neurological (21.8%) and dermatological (8.1%). A very large list of pathogenic bacteria was shown to be absent in an open room after a remarkable 30 days following treatment.”This lead to the authors to conclude that: “We have demonstrated that by using medicinal smoke it is possible to completely eliminate diverse plant and human pathogenic bacteria of the air within confined space.”
Once your home clearing is complete, I have smudging kits available for you to buy. I will show you how to clear the energy of your space on a regular basis.
Alternatively your welcome to schedule regular clearings throughout the year to maintain your home or office.
Starting at $80 for approx an hour, cost may vary depending on travel. Distance clearings are available.